V-Tech Sponsor ‘Race for Life’ Runners
V-Tech Sponsor 'Race for Life' Runners
V-Tech are proud to announce that we have contributed towards saving the lives of those with Cancer. One of the employees, Chris Phipps, Head of Sales for V-Tech Group recently took part in the 5K Race for Life in Swansea, whereby several of our employees and the company donated money towards the fantastic cause.
‘Race for Life’ is held all around the nation on behalf of Cancer Research UK with one sole purpose, to raise money and awareness for Cancer. The events bring a variety of people together each year to come together to fund life saving cancer research.
We are incredibly proud of Chris and his participation in this event and for raising over £200 for Cancer Research. Chris completed the 5K run in just 40 minutes, 7 seconds which was a great improvement from his time back in 2019.
As a business we take great pride in being able to support our employees and charities alike.
As a business we take great pride in being able to support our employees and charities alike.
“A very good friend of ours had fought cancer and we believed he had won the battle. Unfortunately it came back so I decided to do the run. However sadly he passed away before the event which has made me more determined to do my bit. I had entered in 2020 but it was called off due to lockdown, so when it was announced that an event could take place I jumped at it. When you are on the run you have messages on your back of who you are doing it for, some of the messages are truly heart breaking and just further indorse (not that it’s needed) what a truly dreadful and undiscriminating disease this is. Best of all I set a target of £200.00 and smashed that by raising £260.00 Thanks to Friends, Colleagues and Family. May look at doing 10k next year but will defiantly be doing it again every little helps the fight!”- Chris Phipps, V-Tech Sales Manager